Veterans Benefits
Veterans of the United States armed forces may be eligible for a broad range of benefits and services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Some of these benefits may be utilized while on active duty.These benefits are codified in Title 38 of the United States Code. This booklet is available for viewing and download here.
Americanism is love of America; loyalty to her institutions as the best yet devised by man to secure life, liberty, individual dignity, and happiness; and the willingness to defend our country and flag against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
It is a vital, active, living force. Americanism means peace, strength, the will and the courage to live as free men in a free land. It means a friendly hand to people everywhere who respect our institutions and our thinking. It is not a word; it is a cause, a way of life – the best way of life ever known – a challenge and a hope in this world.
Americanism is an ideal of loyal patriotism, religious tolerance, righteous freedom, fearless courage, honest integrity, abiding faith in the commanding destiny of the United States, and a fathomless love for the principles that led our forefathers to found this country.
It is complete and unqualified loyalty to the ideals of government as set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. It is respect for, and ready obedience to, duly constituted authority and the laws of the land. It is freedom without license, religion without bigotry, charity without bias, and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty for our nation and for our posterity
American Legion Baseball American Legion Softball Boys State Oratorical SCOUTING
Children and Youth
The American Legion has a proud tradition of supporting our nation’s youth. The organization was founded on the principle in 1919, when Children & Youth was declared one of the Legion’s four pillars. In the years since, a number of youth-oriented programs have been developed including Temporary Financial Assistance, Family Support Network and child safety and wellbeing programs.
The Americanism Commission’s Children & Youth Committee is the center of the Legion’s youth-support efforts. The committee meets annually to formulate, recommend and implement plans, programs and activities designed to accomplish:
Youth Cadet / Student Trooper
American Legion departments and posts are encouraged to sponsor Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Programs in cooperation with their State Police or Highway Patrol. From state to state the name of the program may vary and include such terms as Trooper Week Program, Law Enforcement Training, and State Police Youth Week.
The program provides first-hand experiences and insight into the operations of law enforcement agencies. The program also affords these highly motivated young people an opportunity to consider law enforcement as a potential career choice. Recruitment of high school students, both male and female, representing all communities and backgrounds in the state, is one goal of the program. Once these young people have been selected to attend the program, the law enforcement community is challenged to present a program that will instill an understanding and respect for law enforcement professionals and their techniques.
Community Service
Community service is at the very heart of The American Legion's core beliefs and an integral part of the Preamble to the Constitution of the Legion, the S.A.L. and the Auxiliary, " inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community state and nation..."
The American Legion recognizes that the community is an important part of our American way of life and in many communities the Legion Post takes a leadership role in community betterment.
Many Americanism programs start at the community level, engaging youth in such programs as American Legion Baseball, Scouting, and flag education.
Pendill Community Service Trophy Community Service Report Al White Award Mulkern Educator of the Year Conway Award
National Affairs
The American Legion believes national security must be maintained to fulfill the mandate for a strong national defense. As stated in the Preamble, “FOR GOD AND COUNTRY WE ASSOCIATE OURSELVES TOGETHER FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America... To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy.”
Veterans Services
The mission of the Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS) is to be the chief advocate for the nearly half-million veterans of the Commonwealth and their families. DVS establishes policy, proposes legislation, ensures that adequate funding for veterans’ programs is included in the Governor’s budget, and represents the interests of veterans in matters coming before the General Court. In addition, DVS represents all state agencies and individual veterans before the federal Department of Veterans Affairs in securing federal compensation and other benefits that might be available.
Legionnaires have a voice in the nation's capital. On behalf of the organization's membership, The American Legion's Legislative staff monitors the progress of legislation passing through the House and Senate, and attends various congressional committee hearings, providing testimony at many.