The American Legion Five Year Plan

“Strategic Plan for Sustained Membership Growth”

Mission Statement: To increase membership and post development by creating a culture of growth.

OVERALL OBJECTIVE: At the end of each year have a total membership that exceeds the membership of the previous year.

To obtain the goal of growing our membership progressively, utilizing the following strategies: Create Brand Awareness; Communication; Training/Education/Leadership Development; Post Development & Revitalization; Membership Recruiting, Reinstating & Retention.

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Post development and revitalization

Post development and revitalization (PD&R) is a way for The American Legion to reassert itself into the local community. The 21st Century Report states there should be an American Legion post near every high school and we are trying to meet this challenge. If there are communities that do not have a post within it, post development is a great way for The American Legion to become an asset in the local community. There are times when membership in a local post has declined and interest in the programs is non-existent. A revitalization effort can help reenergize and breathe life back into a post so the post can become viable once again.

Click Here to Learn More


   We’re veterans just like you who care about America, veterans and their families and our nation’s youth. The Legion is a powerful voice in Washington dedicated to preserving the rights we’ve all earned – and were promised – by our service to the nation we love.

   The Massachusetts American Legion is always there for you and your family – whether it is when we lobby in Washington or at our 300+ local American Legion Posts throughout Massachusetts. Just like you, we’re “Still Serving America!”

   Membership in the American Legion offers many benefits that include involvement in community programs, a voice in Washington DC, investment in children activities, education and camaraderie. Of course our main focus is for veteran's rights and their families. Which is why we continue to lobby in Washington for veterans as well as current servicemen and women.

Eligibility Requirements for American Legion Membership

   The American Legion is the nation's largest, most influential, effective and dependable advocate of veterans. Since 1919, Legionnaires have fought for the rights of servicemen and women. Today we stand at 2.4 million members with over 40,000 Legionnaires from the Department of Massachusetts. If you are currently on active duty, serving the United States honorably, anywhere in the world, or have served honorably during any of the following eligible war eras, we invite you to become a member of The American Legion.

Eligibility Dates:


  • Dec. 7, 1941 to today
  • April 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918 (World War I)

Membership Application